As a new congregation, many are curious about the position of the GraceWay Church on the sensitive issues of our day. This section of our website, will feature a number (though not exhaustive) series of position statements. We share these statements with the understanding that all written statements fail to communicate at some point.
Thus, personal conversation is often needed. Please contact Yakubu Bakfwash, lead pastor of GraceWay Church with any and all questions or concerns ([email protected]).
Position on Homosexuality
“The Church of the Brethren upholds the biblical declaration that heterosexuality is the intention of God for creation. Nature, in the very functional compatibility of male and female genitalia, confirms this biblical revelation that males and females are meant for each other. This intimate genital contact between two persons of opposite sexes is not just a physical union; it also embodies the interlocking of persons. This intimate companionship is heterosexuality at its fullest. It is the context for the formation of family. Some persons, for reasons not fully understood, experience a romantic attraction for persons of the same sex. Some of these persons claim Christ as Lord and are actively involved in the life of the church. They need the active support and love of the church as they struggle with God’s plan for their lives.” – from Human Sexuality From A Christian Perspective. Statement, Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, 1983. Emphasis added.
In recent years, persons have specifically asked whether the church will approve and/or conduct services of marriage for homosexual persons (e.g. affirming homosexual covenantal relationships). Some denominations/churches view homosexual covenantal relationships as an alternative option to traditional marriage, as we seek to minister to, and support, homosexual persons.
However, in the Church of the Brethren’s “…search for a Christian understanding of human sexuality, this alternative [e.g. homosexual covenantal relationships] — is not acceptable.” – from Human Sexuality From A Christian Perspective. Statement, Church of the Brethren Annual Conference,
1983. Emphasis added.
In addition to Church of the Brethren statements on homosexuality, the leadership of GraceWay Church also affirms the statement of a neighboring Baltimore congregation, Central Presbyterian Church. Their statement: “Human Sexuality., Seeking a Gracious Orthodoxy” can be accessed at the following link: