• Feb2018

    Our Bible study continues tomorrow Wednesday untitled, “Healing & Forgiveness.” Whether he was born paralyzed or became paralyzed – his four friends saw a body in need of a miracle. That is NOT what Jesus saw. Jesus won’t settle for a simple healing of the body – he wants to...

  • Happy Birthday GraceWay

    February 9, 2018

    GraceWay Church just celebrated its One-Year Anniversary February 4, 2018. These pictures show the beauty of multi-ethnic church. Lots to share. Stay tune. “GraceWay Church is truly a Multi-ethnic community.”

  • How to Be Saved

    February 7, 2018

    ADMIT YOUR CONDITION “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). No one is good enough to go to Heaven on his own merit. Our good works aren’t good enough. REALIZE THAT YOU NEED TO BE SAVED “Look unto me, and be ye saved,...

  • Our Bible Study

    February 7, 2018

    Our Bible study continues today Wednesday evening entitled “Compassion.” Jesus looked beyond the fact. When a leper came to Him. You are invited to join us at 7:00PM for practical insights to this great study from the gospel of Mark 1:40-45.

  • Mar2014

    Position Statements

    March 4, 2014

    As a new congregation, many are curious about the position of the GraceWay Church on the sensitive issues of our day. This section of our website, will feature a number (though not exhaustive) series of position statements. We share these statements with the understanding that all written statements fail to...